• omega-3 vit d test kit
  • oemga-3 vit d test kit 1

Omega-3 & Vitamin D Test Kit


This is a tool which enables you to make sure that you are absorbing the right nutrients, by taking a simple blood spot sample.

Testing your nutrient levels is an important step in the right direction to optimizing your health, as evidenced by the fact that 95% of Americans have deficient levels of Omega-3, putting them at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease. 42% have deficient levels of Vitamin D How do you know if you are absorbing enough Vitamin D from the sun? How do you know if your current supplements are working for you? Testing gives you peace of mind.

  1. REGISTER KIT- Scan included QR code or follow website within test to register kit.
  2. COLLECT SAMPLE – Follow the step-by-step instructions included.
  3. MAIL SAMPLE – Put your sample in the return envelope and drop it in the mail,
  4. GET RESULTS – You’ll receive these in 2-4 weeks
  5. MODIFY DIET – Use recommendations to modify diet and supplements.